Jacob Compher -- Henderson County Code Enforcement Services

A student in the MPA program, Jacob Compher completed his internship with Henderson County Code Enforcement Services. The purpose of code enforcement is to maintain public welfare and health standards by enforcing zoning, nuisance, and solid waste ordinances. The department works with citizens to protect property values and the environment. The department also collaborates with other authorities like law enforcement, fire marshals, and planning to ensure complete abatement of violations to safely secure the public’s health. Jacob had this to say about his internship experience:

"My supervisor was also the captain of the Henderson County Rescue Squad, so we spent a lot of time with this agency and emergency management services. We were able to attend a National Guard training exercise in DuPont State Forest simulating a plane crash brought down by a terrorist organization. It was amazing seeing the synchronization of communication and tactical strategies from first responder agencies across the area. It’s reassuring to know that if such an event ever occurred, these agencies were well equipped to handle the problem. The Black Hawk helicopter shuttling of the special response teams to the crash site was pretty cool too! This internship signified the importance of networking and collaboration. This is discussed continuously throughout the MPA program, but witnessing it firsthand really had an impact on me. Most students I have met are not big fans of groupwork or projects, but it appears that this is mandatory in the public sector to fulfill its obligations to the citizens. This internship also bolstered my communication abilities by learning how to successfully garner compliance and cooperation when dealing with a hostile individual."

Jacob Compher