Master of Public Administration
Appalachian State University's Master's of Public Administration (MPA) program involves a minimum of 42 semester hours and typically takes two years to complete. This consists of 27 hours of core courses (listed below), which includes six hours of an internship for pre-service students and field research for in-service students, and 15 hours of courses that are specific to a career track. Electives must be approved by the MPA Director. All students are required to take at least one course outside of the MPA program.
Each of the tracks/concentrations offered corresponds to a particular career objective, but regardless of which track you choose, you must complete 42 semester hours (including the eight core courses that are common to the various tracks). In all tracks, in-service status involves waiving the internship requirement and the addition of one elective course plus PA 5010 Field Based Research for 42 hours total.
Students not located at the Boone Campus follow the Public Management track and take seven semesters to complete the degree.
Students must select one of the following four tracks as their area of concentration:
Student Learning Outcomes
1. Students apply disciplinary content in a convincing manner
- Students apply core concepts in an applied setting
- Students connect/compare content across program
- Students use seminal literature with current research to analyze a problem, policy or organization
2. Students communicate effectively in diverse professional networks
- Students demonstrate appropriate behavior in professional settings
- Students demonstrate ability to write convincingly, concisely and precisely
- Students give organized and convincing oral presentations
3. Students use appropriate strategies to solve problems and make decisions
- Students apply rigorous methods
- Students critically assess their own skills
- Students perform systematic data collection and analysis in practical endeavors
Core Courses
PA/CJ 5000 - Research Methods
This course prepares students for advanced research assignments. Following a review of basic statistics - no prior experience required, even if you haven't taken a statistics course before this course will cover topics such as research design, the philosophy of science, and advanced statistical techniques like correlation and multivariate regression. Students will gain proficiency in data gathering, entry, and the interpretation of analytical methods. Students should expect a hands-on experience as class will require a substantial commitment to mastering computer and research skills.
PA 5060 - Seminar in Public Administration
This course exposes students to the major ideas and approaches in contemporary public administration, introduces major writers in the field, and presents the significant problems facing modern public administrators. A substantial amount of reading will be required, along with presentations in class. A major research paper is required.
PA 5180 - Public Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation
This course builds upon PA 5000 and provides students with an understanding of the elements of public policymaking, focusing primarily on the techniques for analyzing policy alternatives at each stage of development including evaluation of implementation processes and program outcomes. Classroom presentations, exams, and a major research paper are involved.
PA 5260 - Organization Theory and Behavior
This course deals with the social and psychological climate of organizations and the ways in which leaders of organizations either succeed or fail. Attention is given to the role of leaders in creating and modifying the practices and norms in their organizations. Substantial readings, classroom presentations, and written papers are required.
PA 5360 - Public Personnel Administration
This course focuses on the difficult task of selecting, retaining, compensating, and supervising public employees. Attention is given to the legal framework in which public personnel management occurs. Significant amounts of readings and a major research paper are included in the assignments.
PA 5460 - Budgeting and Fiscal Administration
This course is designed to acquaint students with the preparation and administration of budgets in public agencies. Attention is given to the legal framework in which public agencies work, the mechanics and politics of budget preparation, auditing, as well as other tools used in financial administration. Students will become proficient in using spreadsheets and in understanding an audited financial statement. A major research paper is involved.
PA 5558 - Capstone Research & PA 5559 - Capstone in Public Administration
These courses are taken during the final year of study. The courses integrate the theory and practice of public administration, covering a variety of topics including ethics, finding a job, and negotiating benefits, as well as practical problem-solving. Each student conducts a major research project on a management problem. The paper is prepared in consultation with an MPA faculty member and is presented during a formal Capstone Conference attended by MPA students, alumni, faculty, and administrators, as well as friends and family. A meeting will be held early in the fall semester with students who plan to complete their Capstone in the following spring semester so that topics and supervisors can be chosen.
Dual Degree Enrollment
Qualified students may pursue two graduate degree programs simultaneously. Students interested in pursuing a dual degree must meet all admission, thesis, proficiency, candidacy, comprehensive and product of learning requirements for both programs. We have partnered with the Walker College of Business to offer the following dual degree programs:
- Applied Data Analytics - Interdisciplinary Analytics Concentration, MS and Public Administration - Not-for-Profit Management Concentration, MPA
- Applied Data Analytics - Interdisciplinary Analytics Concentration, MS and Public Administration - Public Management Concentration, MPA
- Applied Data Analytics - Interdisciplinary Analytics Concentration, MS and Public Administration - Town, City and County Management Concentration, MPA
- Business Administration - Interdisciplinary Business Concentration, MBA and Public Administration - Public Management Concentration, MPA
Individuals interested in dual degree enrollment should speak with their academic advisors or contact the MPA Program Director, Dr. Patricia Mitchell, CEcD, by email at